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Hilco Streambank is seeking offers to acquire the patent portfolio and related assets of Save Phace, Inc. The portfolio includes 12 U.S. design and utility patents and 12 foreign design patents and patent applications. The portfolio has been commercialized across a broad spectrum of face masks, safety masks and welding helmets. Its products are well-reviewed and have historically been distributed through welding supply shops, sporting goods retailers and

Face Protection Mask Design and Utility Patent Portfolio

Save Phace’s patent portfolio covers several specific face protection mask designs, most commonly used for welding and action sports, as well as a lens assembly method specific to the patented mask designs. The patented welding helmet designs include a revolutionary 3-in-1 design that works as a welding helmet, grinding mask and splash guard, and it is the only welding helmet that offers a 180-degree field of view with an integrated 4”x4” auto-darkening filter (ADF).

The unique sports utility mask design provides complete facial protection during hazardous activities while keeping a sleek and stylish look, with ample flat surface area to allow for customization. These designs are perfect for providing facial protection for all types of extreme sports – from paintball and airsoft, to riding motorcycles and ATVs, to law enforcement and military training.

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Assets for Sale



  • 12 U.S. Design and Utility Patents
  • 12 Foreign Design Patents, and Patent Applications (Canada, China, Europe, Mexico, Taiwan and the PCT)

2 U.S. Registered Trademarks

  • Save Phace®
  • Save Phace Logo

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Sale Process

Please contact Hilco Streambank for more information about the sale process. The sale is being conducted by Hilco Streambank on behalf of Dennis Roossien as Receiver, and is subject to approval of the Judicial District Court of Grayson County, Texas, which is overseeing the receivership.

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