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Prima Wawona

Prima 6.26.24

Prior to its dissolution, Prima Wawona was the largest producer and packager of stone fruit in the United States, owning upwards of 13,000 acres of stone fruit orchards across the San Joaquin Valley of California that generated $300 million of revenue in 2022. At its height in the early 2020s, Prima Wawona was valued at $1 billion and produced five times as many peaches as the entire state of Georgia, with each acre generating approximately $23,000 of stone fruit per year.

Working on behalf of Anna Phillips in her capacity as Trustee for the Prima Wawona Liquidating Trust, and ably assisted by the teams at Verdolino Lowey and Dragich Law, we marshalled the portfolio of Plant Patents, Plant Variety Protection (PVP) certificates and Trademarks and launched a structured sale process which allowed interested parties to step forward with their best offer, recognizing that many sophisticated parties would want to move as quickly as possible to conduct diligence, document a transaction and close, allowing them to reconnect with the customer as quickly as possible.

The patent portfolio consisted of 50+ active, issued U.S. plant patents that cover the asexual propagation of Prima Wawona’s proprietary peach, plum, and nectarine tree varietals, while the trademarks covered 50+ branded names, logos, and marks for fresh fruit, specifically, peaches and nectarines. In addition, there were 35 active Plant Variety Protection (PVP) certificates that cover the sexual reproduction of several varietals of peaches and nectarines in various countries. The patent portfolio was a necessary support of Prima Wawona’s core business and protected the sustainability and quality of its stone fruit growing operations.

The sale process culminated in three separate sales to buyers in the US, Australia and South Africa. The sales process closed in September of 2024. Still for sale is the Prima Wawona Domain Name which is being managed by our premium domain name specialist Hilco Digital Assets.

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