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Hilco Helps: Hilco Global Pride Business Resource Group served as a Gold Sponsor of The 38th Annual Toys Party, hosted by SAGE

Dec 18, 2023
Home / Hilco Helps News / Hilco Helps: Hilco Global Pride Business Resource Group served as a Gold Sponsor of The 38th Annu...

Last week, the Hilco Global Pride Business Resource Group served as a Gold Sponsor of The 38th Annual Toys Party, hosted by SAGE, Services & Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Elders.

SAGE is a national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBTQ+ elders since 1978. For 40-plus years, SAGE has worked tirelessly on behalf of LGBTQ+ older people. SAGE is more than just an organization. It’s a movement of loving, caring activists dedicated to providing advocacy, services, and support to older members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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