Smarter Valuation
The world’s leading companies, lenders and professional advisors turn time and again to Hilco Global.

When seeking to address their asset valuation needs and concerns, Hilco Global delivers.
Why? Because we’ve earned a reputation for being “Asset Smarter” – more knowledgeable about the present-day value, historical market performance, real-time demand and marketability of assets across every class, industry and enterprise type than anyone else in the business.
That means the Valuation Solutions we bring to the table are the most accurate and actionable available in the market today. Hilco Global’s asset valuation solutions leverage the combined expertise of an integrated platform of specialty practices, each with a distinct specialty in one or more tangible or intangible asset categories. This enables us to deliver precise corporate valuation expertise ranging from a single asset in one domestic location to millions of assets spread across the continents.
With a hard-earned, decades-long track record of accuracy, partnership and professionalism, our talented team is leveraging an unmatched suite of asset, enterprise and portfolio appraisal/valuation assessment capabilities to help to drive well informed strategic financial decisions around the world every day.