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Postquantum Cybersecurity Encryption Software and Patents are For Sale

Mar 19, 2021
Home / News / Postquantum Cybersecurity Encryption Software and Patents are For Sale

Assets of Secure Channels to be Sold in Article 9 Process by Hilco Streambank
Bids Due April 8, 2021; Auction to be Held April 14, 2021

Mar 19, 2021, Hilco Streambank ( announced that it is seeking offers to acquire the intellectual property and other personal property assets, including postquantum cybersecurity encryption software and patent portfolio, of Secure Channels Inc. (

A sale of the assets of Secure Channels is being conducted by CHOL Inc., as secured lender, pursuant to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.  Bids are due on April 8, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.), and a public auction will be held on April 14, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.).

Secure Channels offers data encryption, cryptographic protocols, access control, privileged access and user authentication technologies in the form of licensable tools, end-user platforms and purpose-built solutions.  It provides software and application developers, hardware OEM and device manufacturers, and enterprise organizations with risk reduction and operational performance benefits.  This allows them to replace, augment, or introduce new cryptography into their products or environments, providing material and measurable cybersecurity protections, risk reduction and data breach mitigation.

“The post-quantum cryptography market is on the rise as computer software ramps up in an effort to withstand the threats of public-key cryptography by quantum computers,” remarked Hilco Streambank CEO Gabe Fried.  “Secure Channels designs lightweight encryption tools and platforms that offer software developers, hardware manufacturers and enterprise organizations more ways to leverage advanced encryption.”

Parties interested in learning more about the assets should visit, or contact the Hilco Streambank representatives identified below directly.  The sale of the Property will be conducted on an “as is, where is” basis, without representations and warranties.


Gabe Fried

Chief Executive Officer


Richelle Kalnit

Senior Vice President



About Hilco Streambank: Hilco Streambank is a market leading advisory firm specializing in intellectual property disposition and valuation. Having completed numerous transactions including sales in publicly reported Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, private transactions, and online sales through IPv4.Global, Hilco Streambank has established itself as the premier intermediary in the consumer brand, internet and telecom communities. Hilco Streambank is part of Northbrook, Illinois based Hilco Global, the world’s leading authority on maximizing the value of business assets by delivering valuation, monetization and advisory solutions to an international marketplace. Hilco Global operates more than twenty specialized business units offering services that include asset valuation and appraisal, retail and industrial inventory acquisition and disposition, real estate and strategic capital equity investments.

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