Premium Domain Names for Sale as Part of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Sale
Apr 20, 2021, Hilco Streambank, a market leading advisory firm specializing in the sale of intellectual property assets and domain name brokerage, is seeking one or more buyers for various domain names on behalf of a chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee. The available domain names include,,,, and
“A chapter 7 bankruptcy case represents a unique opportunity to acquire premium domains,” commented Hilco Streambank Senior Vice President Richelle Kalnit. “These domain names will sell.” The domain names are being administered by Erin Renneker, as chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee in a case pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio (the “Bankruptcy Court”).
Offers to acquire one or more of the available domain names are due on or before April 20, 2021. An auction will be held on April 22, 2021. The sale will be subject to approval of the Bankruptcy Court. Bidding documents are available upon request.
Parties interested in the domain names or learning more about the sale process should CLICK HERE or contact Hilco Streambank directly using the contact information provided below.
Richelle Kalnit
Senior Vice President 212.993.7214 |
Ryan Brenner
Analyst 212.993.7213 |
About Hilco Streambank: Hilco Streambank is a market leading advisory firm specializing in intellectual property disposition and valuation. Having completed numerous transactions including sales in publicly reported Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, private transactions, and online sales through IPv4.Global, Hilco Streambank has established itself as the premier intermediary in the consumer brand, internet and telecom communities. Hilco Streambank is part of Northbrook, Illinois based Hilco Global, the world’s leading authority on maximizing the value of business assets by delivering valuation, monetization and advisory solutions to an international marketplace. Hilco Global operates more than twenty specialized business units offering services that include asset valuation and appraisal, retail and industrial inventory acquisition and disposition, real estate and strategic capital equity investments.