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Brand, Trademark & Tradenames

Hilco Global is an expert in brand, trademark, and tradename as it relates to intellectual property due to its comprehensive approach to valuation, disposition, and management of these assets. Hilco Global has a team of professionals with extensive experience in this area and a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern intellectual property.

The following are some of the steps that Hilco Global takes in its processes:

  • Valuation Analysis: Hilco Global’s experts conduct a comprehensive analysis of the brand, trademark, or trade name to determine its value. This involves reviewing financial statements, market research, and other data to assess the potential market demand for the intellectual property asset.
  • Marketing and Sales: Once the valuation analysis is complete, Hilco Global’s experts develop a customized marketing strategy to reach potential buyers or licensees. This may include targeted outreach to specific industries or sectors, as well as advertising through traditional and digital media channels.
  • Transaction Management: Hilco Global’s experts manage the entire transaction process, from negotiations to closing the deal. This includes due diligence, contract drafting, and execution.
  • Asset Management: Hilco Global can also provide ongoing asset management services, such as monitoring and protecting the intellectual property, enforcing its rights against infringers, and evaluating opportunities for further monetization.
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